They either love you, or teach you.

This is a simple statement of gratitude to everyone who has ever walked into my life.

Whether you were the kind soul who offered your seat when I was hugely pregnant. Or changed my tyre on that scary bend in the road. You brave thing. Or the one who shared a laugh with me waiting in line at theΒ  supermarket the other day. Or perhaps you cut me off in traffic. Or broke into my car to steal that packet of chewing gum (sorry there wasn’t much worth taking}.

You might have taught me how to look both ways, or lock the car. You might have taught me patience. Or how to kiss or cook. You might have made me cry, or swear, or sigh or laugh. You might have inspired a lot of love in me.

Recently, someone taught me to trust my intuition. And for that, I’m grateful.

So no matter who you are. Whether you came into my life for seconds, minutes, months or years, I am truly grateful.

You either gave me love. Thank you.

Or taught me something. Thank you.

Or perhaps both.

Once again, thank you.

[My new manuscript is calling to me and I can’t ignore it anymore, so I will have to cut back on the blogging a little, for a while. Love to you all.]

{Writers can appreciate everyone, especially those that hurt us; they make for fascinating character studies. The question to ask: what would make someone behave in that manner? Hmmmm, thinking, thinking…}


Filed under authors, blogging, books, editors, fiction, I should be editing right now, life, love, pain, philosophy, poetry, romance, weird stuff, writers, Writing

28 responses to “They either love you, or teach you.

  1. junebugger

    Thanks for this lovely post! I believe it is so important to be grateful for those around you. Especially as a writer. Because those around you are the very factors that stimulate you as a writer.

    Anyway, I adored this line because it is VERY true: “Writers can appreciate everyone, especially those that hurt us”

  2. We are all characters in a big book. And I mean a really, really, REALLY big book. Like really REALLY big.

    Ah, if only my manuscript were as needy as yours! Why don’t you beg me to write you, sequel? Why don’t you email me, send me a text message, call me, Skype me?! Do you not care! Do you not care that I don’t care!

    But now, I’m rambling. πŸ™‚

  3. Thanks for sharing this amazing and inspiring post, Lisa…
    We need such reminders time and again…
    Life’s all about learning and loving… so let’s do it!!!

    Best wishes on your manuscript, my friend… enjoy the writing!!! πŸ™‚
    (love and hugs)

  4. Lua

    This was a lovely post Lisa! πŸ™‚ β€œWriters can appreciate everyone, especially those that hurt us”
    I believe this is very true, writers don’t have the luxury to regret anything in life… And good luck with your new manuscript.

  5. Arthorious

    Best wishes with the manuscript. I’ll miss you much so get over and done with it ASAP.

  6. This is beautiful. Doncha love gratitude? It is truly a beautiful post… No matter who comes in our life, there is a lesson or gift hidden within.

  7. I love this post!

    Very wise, Lisa. Very wise. That is true, and it is an important reminder.

    We are either always receiving love, or tough love, right? The people who are mean to us simply challenge us, help us grow, motivate us to move forward with our convictions. Solidify who we are.

    If we are never challenged by these people, we can never come into our own, can we?

    And more and more I’m beginning to believe that that’s what life’s about.

    Have a nice break, I’ll be off the radar for a little while too. Seems like we all need a rest. Go us! πŸ™‚

    • We’re doing okay, aren’t we? Learning, growing, struggling occasionally, but still getting there. Wherever “there” is. Take care of you, while you’re off the radar.
      X Lisa

  8. Smander

    Lisa this is just beautiful. You seem like such a lovely, forgiving, kind individual. And you’re right. Everyone teaches us something. Everyone has a purpose. It’s a good thing to keep in mind when things are a bit tricky!

  9. Best of luck during this writing process, and lovely post~

  10. Lovely, Lisa! I always wonder how you come up with such novel (and heartfelt) subjects for your posts. Good luck with your new ms.

    As for the question you posed at the end: I realize more and more that most times people hurt others out of self-preservation or their own insecurities rather than pure malice…

  11. Miss Rosemary

    A new manuscript is a perfectly acceptable reason to cut back on blogging πŸ™‚

  12. I just love this post. It really resonated with me.

  13. I love this sweet and simple post.

    One of my favorite quotes is , “anyone or anything that does not bring you life, is too small for you.”

    Cannot remember who said it, but it reminds me to not waste time on negative things…like people who are just not nice.

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